by Mike Beemer

This year’s theme for the

Waggoner 2019 Desolation Sound Flotilla was

waterfalls and whales.


Because we saw plenty of both.

Our Waggoner Flotilla departed the comfort of Anacortes on a cloudy and cool June 23rd. The two-week trip had one day of rain and the rest of the flotilla was stunning.

It was perfect.

The kind of weather that power boaters dream about, unfortunately our lone sailboat did not have much wind, but they powered on.

Some of the boats hailed from Canadian ports, joining us as we gathered at the Hummingbird Pub where we enjoyed the classic ride on the bus with Tommy Transit. A quick stop at Nanaimo for provisions and we soon headed across the straights.

Our destination was Desolation Sound, a gem of cruising areas in British Columbia.

By day 4 we were in Desolation Sound Marine Park. We toured many of the popular spots, enjoyed the beautiful weather, the surrounding beauty, and days of boating camaraderie.

One of many highlights of the flotilla was when we encountered a humpback whale In Toba inlet. And so many waterfalls brushed the landscape. This was the furthest north of our flotilla so we celebrated with a potluck at Toba Wilderness under Kyle’s amazing pavilion.

After two weeks on the water we all wanted more and it was difficult to return. Two weeks of good times together, learning more about the area and boating, and exploring this magnificent destination.

We left the flotilla with new friendships, more experience, and years of memories.

Till next time